ansible variable vault location in multi-role playbook

If you have built an ansible directory structure that allows you to invoke multiple roles and you want to use variables/credentials in ansible vault then you might get a bit stuck and find that when you run your playbook the variables are not found.

So let’s look at a directory structure to illustrate:

├── main.yml
└── roles
    ├── apache
       ├── defaults
          └── main.yml
       ├── files
          ├── apache.conf
       ├── handlers
          └── main.yml
       ├── meta
          └── main.yml
       ├── tasks
          └── main.yml
       ├── templates
          ├── wp-config.php.j2
          ├── .htaccess.j2
       └── vars
           └── main.yml
    ├── mariadb
       ├── defaults
          └── main.yml
       ├── handlers
          └── main.yml
       ├── tasks
          ├── main.yml
          ├── mariadb.config.yml
          └── mariadb.install.yml
       └── vars
           └── main.yml
    └── wordpress
        ├── handlers
           └── main.yml
        └── vars
            └── main.yml

I’ve abridged some of the above output but it should hopefully be clear that we have 3 roles:

  1. apache
  2. mariadb
  3. wordpress

These are invoked from the main.yml in the root, which looks something like this:

- hosts: web_servers
  become: true

     - apache
     - mariadb
     - wordpress

Now, suppose that you have some variables/credentials which you want to use in these roles. Ansible documentation recommends that you create a group_vars directory to contain unencrypted variables which refer to the encrypted ones. The unencrypted variables would be prefixed by “vault_” and look something like this:

    db_username: root
    password: "{{ vault_root_password }}"

and your encrypted file’s contents would look something like this:

vault_root_password: 'somecomplexpasswordgoeshere'

But the bit that caught me out was that the variables would never get picked up.
The trick is that you need a group_vars directory in the root of the main directory and then an “all” subdirectory:

├── group_vars
   └── all
       ├── vars.yml
       └── vault.yml
├── main.yml
└── roles
    ├── apache
       ├── defaults
          └── main.yml
       ├── files
          ├── apache.conf
       ├── handlers
          └── main.yml
       ├── meta
          └── main.yml
       ├── tasks
          └── main.yml
       ├── templates
          ├── wp-config.php.j2
          ├── .htaccess.j2
       └── vars
           └── main.yml
    ├── mariadb
       ├── defaults
          └── main.yml
       ├── handlers
          └── main.yml
       ├── tasks
          ├── main.yml
          ├── mariadb.config.yml
          └── mariadb.install.yml
       └── vars
           └── main.yml
    └── wordpress
        ├── handlers
           └── main.yml
        └── vars
            └── main.yml

In the above, the vars.yml contains the unencrypted variables and the vault.yml contains the encrypted content.

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